Sarah Zachrich

Geologist - Data Analyst - Baker/Pastry Chef/Cake Decorator

Sarah Zachrich

Hi, I'm Sarah!

I am a geologist currently learning Data Science and programming. Currently living in Lakewood(Denver) Colorado. Looking for work in a geologic field or as a data analyst/scientist. Looking for new opportunities and where I can expand my skills and learn new things.

Passionate about baking and even have a diploma in baking in pastry. My specialty is cake & cupcake decorating but I also love to try new recipes and techniques. My best culinary creations can be seen on my Instagram (Link Below!). I enjoy rock and mineral collecting and you can always count on me to go to the Denver Gem & Mineral Show every year to find new specimens to add to my collection.


I am currently working on a certificate through the University of Denver with emphasis on programming in excel, fundamental statistics, python programming, database management, front-end web visualization and business intelligence software. This website is a part of that.

I have a bachelor of science degree in geology from Colorado State University (2011). I was most recently a geosteering geologist for Terra Guidance working in various basins to provide customized reporting tailored to client needs throughout the interpretation process. I interpreted data in real time while managing a high work load and strict reporting and data security guidelines. I have previously also worked as a borehole geologist interpreting image logs to pick structural and geologic features while providing structural analysis, fracture and fault network analysis, stress-induced features identification, and depositional environments determination. You can take a look at my professional resume if you are into that sort of thing -> HERE (coming soon)



Adventures & Volunteering

I love to travel and experience new things! So far I have made it to Peru, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama, Italy, Romania, Hungary and to various states! My top places to go next are probably Morocco, Iceland and Thailand. I am also engaged and would love to share these adventures with my fiance Ian!

I also enjoy volunteering at Dinosaur Ridge in my free time. Dinosaur ridge is the top rated dinosaur track site in the US and has lots of fossils and geology. I do everything from leading guided tours such as walk with a geologist, teaching certain stations on the ridge during special events to being a docent in the exhibit hall museum. If you are in the area I definitely recommend checking it out, I can even give you a specialized tour if you would like.
Dinosaur Ridge Website

Lets Connect!

“Communication is merely an exchange of information, but connection is an exchange of our humanity.”
- Sean Stephenson